News about Counterparty
09 Mar 2021, 18:37
RT @jdogresorg: @mikeinspace @johnvillarz @notgrubles A dispenser has been setup to accept BTC donations and give out VILLAR tokens to hono…
RT @jdogresorg: @mikeinspace @johnvillarz @notgrubles A dispenser has been setup to accept BTC donations and give out VILLAR tokRT @jdogresorg: @mikeinspace @johnvillarz @notgrubles A dispenser has been setup to accept BTC donations and give out VILLAR tokens to hono…
08 Mar 2021, 23:08
RT @RyanAvenue: A true legend and friend lost today for @CounterpartyXCP RIP @johnvillarz
RT @RyanAvenue: A true legend and friend lost today for @CounterpartyXCP RIP @johnvillarz.RT @RyanAvenue: A true legend and friend lost today for @CounterpartyXCP RIP @johnvillarz
08 Mar 2021, 18:58
RT @jdogresorg: RIP to an amazing friend @johnvillarz. You were an incredible father, developer, leader, artist, and friend. Your passion f…
RT @jdogresorg: RIP to an amazing friend @johnvillarz. You were an incredible father, developer, leader, artist, and friend.RT @jdogresorg: RIP to an amazing friend @johnvillarz. You were an incredible father, developer, leader, artist, and friend. Your passion f…
03 Mar 2021, 16:43
RT @ScrillaVentura: I'm discussing “HOMERPEPE Sells For 205 ETH! What? Meet The Buyer/Seller” with @wasthatawolf, @zippi101, @TokenAngels,…
RT @ScrillaVentura: I'm discussing "HOMERPEPE Sells For 205 ETH. What.RT @ScrillaVentura: I'm discussing “HOMERPEPE Sells For 205 ETH! What? Meet The Buyer/Seller” with @wasthatawolf, @zippi101, @TokenAngels,…
01 Mar 2021, 22:34
RT @wasthatawolf: @feelsgoodmandoc It’s sad to read your thoughts on NFTs. Rare pepe artists all over the world have been able to make mon…
RT @wasthatawolf: @feelsgoodmandoc It's sad to read your thoughts on NFTs.RT @wasthatawolf: @feelsgoodmandoc It’s sad to read your thoughts on NFTs. Rare pepe artists all over the world have been able to make mon…
01 Mar 2021, 17:03
Our twitter profile just got a spiffy new look thanks to some design work by @quentinbdb
#Bitcoin #Counterparty #XCP #NFTs
Our twitter profile just got a spiffy new look thanks to some design work by @quentinbdb. #Bitcoin #Counterparty #XCP #NFTs.Our twitter profile just got a spiffy new look thanks to some design work by @quentinbdb
#Bitcoin #Counterparty #XCP #NFTs
01 Mar 2021, 04:23
The Rare Pepe HOMERPEPE NFT was minted on Bitcoin in 2016 using the Counterparty protocol.
#Bitcoin #Counterparty #XCP #NFTs #Rarepepe #OG
The Rare Pepe HOMERPEPE NFT was minted on Bitcoin in 2016 using the Counterparty protocol.The Rare Pepe HOMERPEPE NFT was minted on Bitcoin in 2016 using the Counterparty protocol.
#Bitcoin #Counterparty #XCP #NFTs #Rarepepe #OG https://t.co/KJRq11SN0y
25 Feb 2021, 19:31
RT @theog__: MARCH 6th 2300 CET #NFT LIVE AUCTION - SUBMIT YOUR NFTs NOW.RT @theog__: MARCH 6th 2300 CET #NFT LIVE AUCTION - SUBMIT YOUR NFTs NOW https://t.co/igB05XV7PT https://t.co/VFNSuvFYeX
23 Feb 2021, 17:53
RT @BitcoinMagazine: The Bitcoin Magazine Art Portal: Calling All Bitcoin Artists!
"NFTs started in 2015 on BTC...While today we are seein…
RT @BitcoinMagazine: The Bitcoin Magazine Art Portal: Calling All Bitcoin Artists. "NFTs started in 2015 on BTC.RT @BitcoinMagazine: The Bitcoin Magazine Art Portal: Calling All Bitcoin Artists!
"NFTs started in 2015 on BTC...While today we are seein…
20 Feb 2021, 16:28
CIP24 Just updated and seeking funding! Donate today to help further the original NFT platform over bitcoin!
CIP24 Just updated and seeking funding. Donate today to help further the original NFT platform over bitcoin.CIP24 Just updated and seeking funding! Donate today to help further the original NFT platform over bitcoin! https://t.co/U1Pf5ECgHg
19 Feb 2021, 20:47
RT @lopp: Those who know the value of bitcoin are not surprised by its price.
RT @lopp: Those who know the value of bitcoin are not surprised by its price.17 Feb 2021, 03:17
Counterparty 9.59.3 released! This release includes a minor revision that fixes non-divisible asset dividends.
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
Counterparty 9. 3 released. This release includes a minor revision that fixes non-divisible asset dividends.Counterparty 9.59.3 released! This release includes a minor revision that fixes non-divisible asset dividends.
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
15 Feb 2021, 15:53
RT @shawnleary: @CounterpartyXCP let’s get together this week on Clubhouse and chat about the current status and reminisce old times! @agkr…
RT @shawnleary: @CounterpartyXCP let's get together this week on Clubhouse and chat about the current status and reminisce old tRT @shawnleary: @CounterpartyXCP let’s get together this week on Clubhouse and chat about the current status and reminisce old times! @agkr…
14 Feb 2021, 02:16
RT @wasthatawolf: They never left 😘
RT @wasthatawolf: They never left.RT @wasthatawolf: They never left 😘 https://t.co/nsDWHSYdVJ
12 Feb 2021, 21:15
RT @wasthatawolf: It is possible to mint NFTs on bitcoin -RIGHT NOW- using @FreeportApp
Freeport leverages the @CounterpartyXCP platform w…
RT @wasthatawolf: It is possible to mint NFTs on bitcoin -RIGHT NOW- using @FreeportApp.RT @wasthatawolf: It is possible to mint NFTs on bitcoin -RIGHT NOW- using @FreeportApp
Freeport leverages the @CounterpartyXCP platform w…
10 Feb 2021, 18:21
RT @jdogresorg: “NFTs on Bitcoin: Counterparty & Beyond” with @bradmillscan, @wasthatawolf, @BVBTC, and Café Bitcoin. Tomorrow, Feb 11 at 6…
RT @jdogresorg: "NFTs on Bitcoin: Counterparty & Beyond" with @bradmillscan, @wasthatawolf, @BVBTC, and Café Bitcoin.RT @jdogresorg: “NFTs on Bitcoin: Counterparty & Beyond” with @bradmillscan, @wasthatawolf, @BVBTC, and Café Bitcoin. Tomorrow, Feb 11 at 6…
03 Feb 2021, 22:49
Over the 7+ years our platform has been operating, we have been consistently impressed with the creativity and dedication of our community!
Teamwork makes the dream work!
#CounterpartyStrong #Counterparty #XCP #Bullish #ToTheMoon
Yesterday I announced BLACKBOX, a project with the goal of promoting @CounterpartyXCP through grassroots efforts and guerrilla marketing.
Less than 7 hours later, the community fully funded the first BLACKBOX.2021.Mystery_Listing_A project!
#Counterparty #XCP #Bitcoin #Bullish
Over the 7+ years our platform has been operating, we have been consistently impressed with the creativity and dedication of ourOver the 7+ years our platform has been operating, we have been consistently impressed with the creativity and dedication of our community!
Teamwork makes the dream work!
#CounterpartyStrong #Counterparty #XCP #Bullish #ToTheMoon https://t.co/WFJZgBKQIm
Yesterday I announced BLACKBOX, a project with the goal of promoting @CounterpartyXCP through grassroots efforts and guerrilla marketing.
Less than 7 hours later, the community fully funded the first BLACKBOX.2021.Mystery_Listing_A project!
#Counterparty #XCP #Bitcoin #Bullish https://t.co/G6SzRw7HHa
01 Feb 2021, 18:14
RT @mafiawars_io: The 32nd MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…
RT @mafiawars_io: The 32nd MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed. Check out the Mafia Wars game at ….RT @mafiawars_io: The 32nd MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! https://t.co/h1Rk6l96b6 Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…
25 Jan 2021, 16:51
RT @wasthatawolf: It was only 3 years ago that the world was introduced to the potential value of NFTs when a rare pepe was sold for over $…
RT @wasthatawolf: It was only 3 years ago that the world was introduced to the potential value of NFTs when a rare pepe was soldRT @wasthatawolf: It was only 3 years ago that the world was introduced to the potential value of NFTs when a rare pepe was sold for over $…
15 Jan 2021, 22:49
RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0.9.12 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Updates inc…
RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0. 12 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0.9.12 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Updates inc…
11 Jan 2021, 21:22
We are happy to announce that thanks to generous donations from @EverdreamSoft and @HealthCoinPlus, the Counterparty community now has 3 servers to choose from for at least the next year!
#Counterparty #XCP $XCP #Counterwallet #Bitcoin
We are happy to announce that thanks to generous donations from @EverdreamSoft and @HealthCoinPlus, the Counterparty community nWe are happy to announce that thanks to generous donations from @EverdreamSoft and @HealthCoinPlus, the Counterparty community now has 3 https://t.co/4oMkkcst1P servers to choose from for at least the next year!
#Counterparty #XCP $XCP #Counterwallet #Bitcoin
11 Jan 2021, 20:51
Counterparty 9.59.0 released! This release replaces indexd with addrindexrs, adjusts minimum DEX BTC order amount, speeds up parsing, and many other improvements!
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
Counterparty 9. 0 released.Counterparty 9.59.0 released! This release replaces indexd with addrindexrs, adjusts minimum DEX BTC order amount, speeds up parsing, and many other improvements!
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
15 Dec 2020, 15:14
RT @jdogresorg: Another great project for @CounterpartyXCP from @wasthatawolf !
RT @jdogresorg: Another great project for @CounterpartyXCP from @wasthatawolf .RT @jdogresorg: Another great project for @CounterpartyXCP from @wasthatawolf ! https://t.co/Ezu4KlndHl
09 Oct 2020, 15:58
RT @WRabbit1111: I love this #NFT #digitalcollectables and #cryptoart space.
I believe it is the birth of an entirely new and enduring asse…
RT @WRabbit1111: I love this #NFT #digitalcollectables and #cryptoart space.RT @WRabbit1111: I love this #NFT #digitalcollectables and #cryptoart space.
I believe it is the birth of an entirely new and enduring asse…
02 Oct 2020, 19:38
While imitation is the highest form of flattery, RARE PEPE has been copied by so many projects and ETH developers that it is now comical!
While RARE PEPEs on @Bitcoin will always have value, we did that stuff in 2016... its been 4+ years people, move on, copycat something else.
@RarePepeToken WOW! What an original concept! Totally not stolen from the actual/original RARE PEPES (https://t.co/50UbHiK4bC). CryptoPepes, r.Pepe, pepe Dapp. Yep, mETHeads are very creative. How about you try coming up with an original concept rather than just copycat stuff we did years ago!
While imitation is the highest form of flattery, RARE PEPE has been copied by so many projects and ETH developers that it is nowWhile imitation is the highest form of flattery, RARE PEPE has been copied by so many projects and ETH developers that it is now comical!
While RARE PEPEs on @Bitcoin will always have value, we did that stuff in 2016... its been 4+ years people, move on, copycat something else. https://t.co/86iGfep6Ji
@RarePepeToken WOW! What an original concept! Totally not stolen from the actual/original RARE PEPES (https://t.co/50UbHiK4bC). CryptoPepes, r.Pepe, pepe Dapp. Yep, mETHeads are very creative. How about you try coming up with an original concept rather than just copycat stuff we did years ago!
01 Oct 2020, 16:25
Yes, Counterparty has been doing NFTs on Bitcoin since before 2017... and some say NFTs were born on ETH. LOL! #Counterparty #XCP #Bitcoin #BTC #NFTs #NFTsBelongOnBitcoin #cryptoart
@XCOPYART @VanArman prior to that was INVISIBLPEPE created October 2017...
Yes, Counterparty has been doing NFTs on Bitcoin since before 2017. and some say NFTs were born on ETH.Yes, Counterparty has been doing NFTs on Bitcoin since before 2017... and some say NFTs were born on ETH. LOL! #Counterparty #XCP #Bitcoin #BTC #NFTs #NFTsBelongOnBitcoin #cryptoart https://t.co/DWx6VC1GjG
@XCOPYART @VanArman prior to that was INVISIBLPEPE created October 2017... https://t.co/ZHdGuOlAV5
28 Sep 2020, 20:12
RT @johnvillarz: #NFT #NFTs @CounterpartyXCP #Ethereum #Assets @wasthatawolf @myrarepepe @rariblecom @SuperRare_co
RT @johnvillarz: #NFT #NFTs @CounterpartyXCP #Ethereum #Assets @wasthatawolf @myrarepepe @rariblecom @SuperRare_co.RT @johnvillarz: #NFT #NFTs @CounterpartyXCP #Ethereum #Assets @wasthatawolf @myrarepepe @rariblecom @SuperRare_co https://t.co/pHCicP6AJH
02 Sep 2020, 15:37
RT @jdogresorg: Register a non-unique name on #Ethereum for $827 in fees, or register a unique name on #Bitcoin using #Counterparty for les…
RT @jdogresorg: Register a non-unique name on #Ethereum for $827 in fees, or register a unique name on #Bitcoin using #CounterpaRT @jdogresorg: Register a non-unique name on #Ethereum for $827 in fees, or register a unique name on #Bitcoin using #Counterparty for les…
01 Sep 2020, 01:55
RT @RyanAvenue: Bitcoin Dispensers on Counterparty - sell your art digitally to thousands of buyers for #Bitcoin with @CounterpartyXCP http…
RT @RyanAvenue: Bitcoin Dispensers on Counterparty - sell your art digitally to thousands of buyers for #Bitcoin with @CounterpaRT @RyanAvenue: Bitcoin Dispensers on Counterparty - sell your art digitally to thousands of buyers for #Bitcoin with @CounterpartyXCP http…
31 Aug 2020, 18:41
Great to see so many talented new artists tokenizing their artwork on the most secure blockchain #Bitcoin! #Counterparty makes it easy to register Tokens/NFTs, display the artwork in the block explorer, and setup a Dispenser (vending machine) to sell the tokens directly for BTC!
"Alien Air Cargo"
"Grafted Mother and Child"
[This was my first try 3months ago used freeport and recently added description message using freewallet]
Tokenized via @CounterpartyXCP
#bitcoin #cryptoart #testing how this works )
Great to see so many talented new artists tokenizing their artwork on the most secure blockchain #Bitcoin.Great to see so many talented new artists tokenizing their artwork on the most secure blockchain #Bitcoin! #Counterparty makes it easy to register Tokens/NFTs, display the artwork in the block explorer, and setup a Dispenser (vending machine) to sell the tokens directly for BTC! https://t.co/6HKvgooE67
"Alien Air Cargo"
"Grafted Mother and Child"
[This was my first try 3months ago used freeport and recently added description message using freewallet]
Tokenized via @CounterpartyXCP
#bitcoin #cryptoart #testing how this works ) https://t.co/51axiBvL7B
26 Aug 2020, 00:55
RT @jdogresorg: @kyletorpey @xcpnodes Yes, #Counterparty is still being used and we are making improvements... over 1.5MM+ transactions, 75…
RT @jdogresorg: @kyletorpey @xcpnodes Yes, #Counterparty is still being used and we are making improvements. over 1.RT @jdogresorg: @kyletorpey @xcpnodes Yes, #Counterparty is still being used and we are making improvements... over 1.5MM+ transactions, 75…
25 Aug 2020, 22:03
RT @XChain_io: Happy to announce some updates at including over 4000 new asset icons, support for viewing NFT artwo…
RT @XChain_io: Happy to announce some updates at including over 4000 new asset icons, support for viewing NFT artwo….RT @XChain_io: Happy to announce some updates at https://t.co/kg6pp6YNN1 including over 4000 new asset icons, support for viewing NFT artwo…
21 Aug 2020, 15:19
RT @notgrubles: Imagine if Satoshi stopped building #Bitcoin because of internet meanies. Build and DGAF is Satoshi's style. We don't have…
RT @notgrubles: Imagine if Satoshi stopped building #Bitcoin because of internet meanies. Build and DGAF is Satoshi's style.RT @notgrubles: Imagine if Satoshi stopped building #Bitcoin because of internet meanies. Build and DGAF is Satoshi's style. We don't have…
19 Aug 2020, 21:38
RT @jdogresorg: @MillionFiat @CounterpartyXCP @RarePepeParty @BitcornCrops @johnvillarz One more thing... if you want your artwork and artw…
RT @jdogresorg: @MillionFiat @CounterpartyXCP @RarePepeParty @BitcornCrops @johnvillarz One more thing.RT @jdogresorg: @MillionFiat @CounterpartyXCP @RarePepeParty @BitcornCrops @johnvillarz One more thing... if you want your artwork and artw…
12 Aug 2020, 23:41
RT @jdogresorg: @RyanAvenue @APompliano ETH people like to think they created NFTs and have tried to rewrite history to claim Cryptokitties…
RT @jdogresorg: @RyanAvenue @APompliano ETH people like to think they created NFTs and have tried to rewrite history to claim CrRT @jdogresorg: @RyanAvenue @APompliano ETH people like to think they created NFTs and have tried to rewrite history to claim Cryptokitties…
31 Jul 2020, 20:09
RT @wasthatawolf: trying something a little different...
cross-chain pepes...
RT @wasthatawolf: trying something a little different. cross-chain pepes.RT @wasthatawolf: trying something a little different...
cross-chain pepes...
https://t.co/qe6QjvMcnr https://t.co/z4TX9mFj7o
26 Jun 2020, 02:24
RT @RarePepeParty: Running on win/lin/mac now! Inching towards a big release soon-ish...
RT @RarePepeParty: Running on win/lin/mac now. Inching towards a big release soon-ish.RT @RarePepeParty: Running on win/lin/mac now! Inching towards a big release soon-ish... https://t.co/IDArfQg6cJ
01 Jun 2020, 02:16
RT @wasthatawolf: No serious #raredigitalart collection is complete without the piece that started it all...
RT @wasthatawolf: No serious #raredigitalart collection is complete without the piece that started it all.RT @wasthatawolf: No serious #raredigitalart collection is complete without the piece that started it all... https://t.co/goHjeQQC4l
24 May 2020, 23:32
CIP22 has been created to change the software stack related to base Counterparty services, we need your donations at the bounty address to fund this very crucial task talk on
CIP22 has been created to change the software stack related to base Counterparty services, we need your donations at the bountyCIP22 has been created to change the software stack related to base Counterparty services, we need your donations at the bounty address to fund this very crucial task https://t.co/tRKf29hd1e talk on https://t.co/H7zUYqbmm4
02 Mar 2020, 19:31
RT @mafiawars_io: The 21st MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…
RT @mafiawars_io: The 21st MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed. Check out the Mafia Wars game at ….RT @mafiawars_io: The 21st MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! https://t.co/5uiAMGXCyd Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…
01 Mar 2020, 07:06
RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0.9.11 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. This versio…
RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0. 11 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0.9.11 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. This versio…
26 Feb 2020, 03:18
RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0.9.10 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. This versio…
RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0. 10 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.RT @FreeWallet: Happy to announce the release of version 0.9.10 of FreeWallet Desktop wallet for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. This versio…
21 Feb 2020, 22:14
RT @wasthatawolf: Crypto collectibles / “NFTs” were first created on Bitcoin via the Counterparty platform in 2015.
After years of liste…
RT @wasthatawolf: Crypto collectibles / "NFTs" were first created on Bitcoin via the Counterparty platform in 2015.RT @wasthatawolf: Crypto collectibles / “NFTs” were first created on Bitcoin via the Counterparty platform in 2015.
After years of liste…
04 Feb 2020, 19:00
Counterparty 9.58.0 released! This release adds support for multi-peer-multi-asset sends (MPMA), P2SH data encoding, and many other improvements.
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
Counterparty 9. 0 released.Counterparty 9.58.0 released! This release adds support for multi-peer-multi-asset sends (MPMA), P2SH data encoding, and many other improvements.
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
30 Jan 2020, 17:32
The XCP Foundation is happy to announce our first public forum is scheduled for Feb 9th Noon EST. We have secured the excellent legal council of @sashahodler for our initial set up. We can't wait to talk with you about what we've been working on 🙂
The XCP Foundation is happy to announce our first public forum is scheduled for Feb 9th Noon EST.The XCP Foundation is happy to announce our first public forum is scheduled for Feb 9th Noon EST. We have secured the excellent legal council of @sashahodler for our initial set up. We can't wait to talk with you about what we've been working on 🙂 https://t.co/JO441zZ0uF
05 Nov 2019, 18:43
RT @RarePepeParty: A new starter pack appears! 30 cards (20 unique) never circulated before, available through a new dispenser in Counterpa…
RT @RarePepeParty: A new starter pack appears.RT @RarePepeParty: A new starter pack appears! 30 cards (20 unique) never circulated before, available through a new dispenser in Counterpa…
04 Nov 2019, 21:26
RT @mafiawars_io: The 17th MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…
RT @mafiawars_io: The 17th MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed. Check out the Mafia Wars game at ….RT @mafiawars_io: The 17th MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! https://t.co/lCPQbAIwG5 Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…
30 Oct 2019, 23:55
RT @RarePepeParty: With the new dispensers feature activated on Counterparty we're initiating the sales of starter packs with the unrelease…
RT @RarePepeParty: With the new dispensers feature activated on Counterparty we're initiating the sales of starter packs with thRT @RarePepeParty: With the new dispensers feature activated on Counterparty we're initiating the sales of starter packs with the unrelease…
24 Oct 2019, 16:32
Counterparty 9.57.0 released! This release adds support for dispensers, sweeps, a bitcoin version bump, and many other improvements.
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
Counterparty 9. 0 released.Counterparty 9.57.0 released! This release adds support for dispensers, sweeps, a bitcoin version bump, and many other improvements.
All users running servers are encouraged to upgrade ASAP.
#Counterparty #bitcoin #XCP $XCP
03 Sep 2019, 02:13
RT @mafiawars_io: The 15th MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…
RT @mafiawars_io: The 15th MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed. Check out the Mafia Wars game at ….RT @mafiawars_io: The 15th MAFIACASH Distribution has been completed! https://t.co/fJk1rvwPVT Check out the Mafia Wars game at https://t.co…